Today’s vocabulary lesson:
• Agent Provocateur: An infiltrator planted to seed chaos, start violence, or otherwise undermine and discredit a movement from the inside.
• Violence: Causes physical or emotional injury and bodily harm to an individual.
• Vandalism: Destroys or defaces property, causing economic harm to the owner.
Do: Stand in solidarity- Don’t allow violence in your community. Don’t be a bystander. Stand up for people when you witness injustice.
Don’t: allow agent provocateurs in your community or organization- Don’t let them undermine or discredit your protest. Don’t fall for it, and DON’T follow them.
Note: White people rising up and engaging in vandalism as protest- You will not be the ones to bear the brunt of the retaliation. Are your actions protecting the vulnerable or escalating a dangerous situation? If you are rising up in solidarity with people of color follow THEIR lead and respect THEIR calls to action.